Što je Herbie? - Herbie
February 07, 2022

What is Herbie?

Herbie is a nicotine-free herbal blend that helped me permanently eliminate nicotine from my life. Now I want to help everyone who wants to enjoy herbs without nicotine.

"Probably you too, when you want to relax and take a moment for yourself, reach for plants. We are no longer even aware that we have created a ritual of relaxing with plants; we do it automatically." 

"When we start doing something automatically, we often forget to enjoy it. Herbie wants to remind you not to forget to enjoy your ritual and the plants." 

The idea that we can improve our lives with plants and use them for good is the reason we exist. Let's return to nature and remember the power that plants have.

"Instead of funding the tobacco industry that poisons us and makes us dependent, choose a greener path. You can enjoy your ritual with other plants that won't make you dependent and will help you relax."

"Divizma, medvjetka, raspberry, mint, lemon balm, hops, lavender, and many others are plants that we use for relaxation and for making Herbie blends." 

"We believe that you love your routine and rituals just as much as we do, and we are not pushing you to change them. You can still enjoy the plants, but we offer you a new experience of enjoying the ritual."

"Change is something different just for a moment, live that moment as you wish."